速報APP / 生活品味 / The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church

The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:333 Boren Ave N Seattle, WA 98109

The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church(圖1)-速報App

Enter The Sanctuary, a beautiful real-time 3D faith experience! When you can't make it to your favorite Catholic church, or any Christian church the Sanctuary is for you.

The right half of the sanctuary is dedicated to your short candle prayers, while the left side hosts lengthier wall board prayers. Your prayer intentions persist after you exit and are visible worldwide.

The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church(圖2)-速報App

Light a candle for a friend, add a prayer board to the wall, or simply sit in a pew and watch comforting words of scripture appear before you. Bible verses are viewable in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. You can even kneel in the pew with a tap. Whatever activity you choose, The Sanctuary is your place of refuge.

The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church(圖3)-速報App

The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church(圖4)-速報App

The Sanctuary App - Real-time 3D Church(圖5)-速報App

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